Dear Maam
Now comes the time when I have to bid goodbye to all my dear teachers and my loving friends. The last few days are so painful .The very thought of leaving my school (Saupins school) is actually like a nightmare. Im sure to miss the strict yet understanding principal, the encouraging sports teacher and all the subject teachers who not only taught us what was printed in that book but also the meaning of life.
At school I tasted the spice of life. From the fun we had during the lunch break to the pressure we had during the exams. Ive spent thirteen years at Saupins school and these years have moulded me into what I am today. Im not just another face in the crowd todayâ?¦ I have an IDENTITY. Not just this, its given me a vision to foresee my goal and the strength to achieve it.
Wherever I go today, Ill always be a true Saupinian
Kishmita Sachdeva
Head Girl
Class 2011-12
Disabilities carries stigma in most places in the world, definitely so in India. In a world that glorifies the one who tops, who comes first in everything, the stigma of autism is much harder to accept. As they say ignorance breeds discomfort and discrimination. The more individuals with autism that the community is exposed to, the greater will be the comfort the people will show around people with autism.
As parents, we all dream of a world that would accept and nurture our children as they are, provide them with the possibilities that would make their lives as fulfilling and happy as possible. If we want to make the world a better place for our children, then its time to move to a new and more positive understanding of what it means to have disability, to have autism, to be different.
For the last 3 years, we lived with a dream of inclusion in our regular school for our daughter, Vrinda, which became a reality in the form of SAUPINS. We really appreciate the conducive atmosphere, sensitive authorities, caring teachers, staff and loving peers. We have found an ideal place for Vrinda and with almightys willingness, she will excel in life with the platform been provided.
Thankful parents
Dr Sneh Vikas
The Principal,
Saupins School,
Sector-32, Chandigarh.
Sub: Appreciation Letter
Respected Sir,
I am the father of Mr. Prabhnoor Singh Aulakh of Class X-A of your school, writing this letter of appreciation. Right from play-way to Class X, my son has been studying in your school. I would like to express my appreciation for the management, the principal, teachers &emp; the entire staff, who have worked very hard to groom the children.
I have seen my son being groomed and he has excelled in academics and other activities. It is not that you taken care only of my child, you looked after every child and encouraged them to emerge as excellent and responsible citizens.
Prabhnoor and I are feeling very uncomfortable as this stage as we have to look for another school, because you do not have XI &emp; XII.
My daughter Simar Aulakh is studying in Saupins School (Mohali Branch) right from UKG. I had no other school in mind when I admitted her in your school. By the time she grows up, I am confident that she will not need to leave the school because I strongly feel that your school will be upgraded to plus 2 level very soon.
I sincerely wish your school progresses. Your hard work and latest technology and effort will make every child an excellent citizen of the country.
I am very proud of your school.
I wish you all success.
With Regards
Yours Sincerely
Amarjit Singh Aulakh
I began as a quiet, introvert three year old child. Labelled as a dawdler and carrying a preconceived notion of being a slow learner. Today sixteen years later I know that predetermined preposterous impression was all wrong. Saupins was right and made me prove my mettle.
In their words I wasnt quiet and dumb but observant and insightful. I wasnt sluggish but perceptive with a potential to do wonders. My strengths were recognized and my weak spots worked upon. The introvert in me became my potency to prove myself and I bloomed. And finally out came the singer, writer, orator, and the leader in me.
And as if all this wasnt enough, I even went on to prove myself academically by topping in my school. Saupins didnt tag me as a genius created by them but became partners in my success; gave me credit for the hard work I had put in, for the perseverance with which I had slogged hard. My idea was to trust them and theirs was turning my dreams and aspirations into a splendid reality. There came the concept of wholesome education. So Im not a genius created but a person whose mentors moulded her to face the world waiting for her. An accountable, resilient and robust Saupinian.
Saupins is beyond grades and report cards. Its about music, dance and theatre; being not just versatile but ingenious. From investitures to sharing a joke with a teacher. Its about football matches full of spirit de corps and amusing chalk fights. From splendid farewells and Christmas bashes to sweeping the classrooms clean after we had created a clutter.
From trophies and certificates to chocolates and shiny stickers, Saupins acknowledged my efforts at every passing step. So while winning a debate fetched me a certificate, composing a poem earned me a Cadbury chocolate.
I could discuss not just homework but my secret desires, my ambition, my aspiration with the director principal, Mrs. Saupin, herself. And no I didnt need an appointment. The doors were always open.
I was scolded, nagged, coaxed, cajoled, but at the same time also treated gently with utmost care and attention. And it is this thoughtful nurturing that has turned me into an upbeat, proactive, resolute and impressive Saupinian!
Get cracking Supinians!!
Ananta Shrikhand
First Head Girl
Class of 2007- 2008
Subject: Appreciation for Saupinâ??s Community Service Organization (SCSO)
Respected Mam / Sir
I was really glad to meet your student Jaskaran of Class II A. It is really a great effort by Saupinâ??s Community Service Organization and of course you. This student will definitely learn a lot by doing such kind of social activity. Thank you so much for giving such kind of tasks to your children.
I wish a good luck for your school and Saupinâ??s Community Service Organization.
Date: 1/9/2012
Yours Sincerely
B.S. Ichhewal